


Prepare and equip students as restorers of God’s creation.


Ensure students create the connection between content knowledge (knowing), professional application (doing) and the integration of faith (being) through real work that restores communities for Jesus.

For Teachers

The heart of every Business and Communications teacher is centered around the desire to see our student's grow. To ensure this is accomplished, we focus on the 3Rs of teaching.


People are made in the image of the triune God. The creator of all things is sustained by relationship and we as his creation are intended to live as individuals in community both professionally and personally.


At the cross-section of autonomy and developmentally appropriate cognitive complexity is the sweet spot where mastery can be found. Fundamental to this is the integration of the head, heart, and hands.


All that was Created is good. Sin has subjected everything to the Fall. Christ alone has brought Redemption. We now eagerly work as God's vehicles to Restore creation through our entrepreneurial efforts.

For Students

Standards for Being

The Westminster Business & Communications Graduate will:

    1. Express their Love of the Lord in the way he has gifted them to create, connect, and capture value.
    2. Know God Created Them by reflecting His image through the work of creating, caring (maintaining), and commissioning (engaging others).
    3. Understand the World by pushing back on consumerism while redefining the mission of life and purpose of money.
    4. Value Learning, by engaging in real work that meets a real need for a real audience.
    5. Find Joy in the process of developing the correctives for God’s intended creation.
    6. Honor the Lord by engaging the world through restoring relationships with God, relationships with others, relationships with creation and knowledge of self.
    7. Cultivate their experience through the work Jesus sets before them.

Course Sequence and Structure

Foundations for Courses


Establishing the norm for how you will define value and its reach in your life.

Create Value

Developing sustainable opportunities and products for people to thrive and flourish.

Connect Value

Moving people to embrace an organizations created value.

Capture Value

The money made and impact achieved through the organization's mission.

